All Stories Reach A Climax

"In every season I encounter,
teach me how to groove.
You're turning all my mourning into dancing"

If you would have told me that the apprenticeship would like this back in August, I would have laughed. If someone would have said our world would be experiencing a pandemic, I would have doubted. Yet, we are in unexpected times. We are in a season we did not expect to be in.

This adjustment has somewhat felt anticlimactic. We had plans for how we wanted to end the school year and they have been changed. 

This flawed thinking reminds me of the people of Israel. They expected a messianic king that met their expectations. They imagined an earthly kingdom and a restoration of their nation. They held on to their expectations to the point that they missed the King of Righteousness that was in their midst. Jesus was doing something new and they missed it.

So, even though I had an expectation of how I wanted April to look like, I had to let it go and lean into what God was doing this month. I could not miss out on what God was doing this month. I had to look past my own negativity and rely on the goodness and providence of God. 

One on One's/FOJ Studies

As I stated last month, God opened the door to study the Bible with students I had not been able to study previously. I have more FOJ studies now than when the school year started! It is strange to think about how my prayer back in September and October was for God to open doors to study with students. That prayer was answered months later! Throughout this season, God is faithful!
This is German! We started studying the Bible. I appreciate how inquisitive he is! He will come with questions about what he is reading. He is a hard working student and is doing his best. I am encouraged by our times together.


Core has been different this month. We have been working hard on keeping our students coming consistently. My cofa Dayo, has been such a great corefa this month! He is texting guys and checking up on them. He is inviting people and really taking it upon himself to be there for our students. 

I appreciate the conversations I have been able to have with our core guys! The guys that have been coming are engaging with us. The last core of April, we practiced silence and breath prayers. We had a really great time reflecting. I love these dudes and I am blessed to have had these dudes in my core this year!

"C'mon and zoom! C'mon and zoom"
If anyone understands that reference, you have received brownie points.


We continue to meet on Thursday Nights. We are discussion heavy on Thursday's. We have a teaching time and we are split into groups. Our students are really open to sharing and connecting. I was able to lead a discussion one night, and I was encouraged by how engaged the students were with the questions. We went longer than usual because students wanted to share.

As much as I miss our Cane's Chicken Fingers after events, I love how creative we have been with out after events. We watched a comedy special together, wrote parables, had debates styled after "Great Taste," and had a show and tell this month! We have really learned to engage and connect virtually! Our never ending debate has been if Frozen really is a good movie on sisterhood. My vote has always been for Lilo and Stitch. Anyway, God is definitely keeping this community together during this pandemic. 

Random note: The opening quote is from a song I have been working on. I have spent this month writing more in my journal. I am taking phrases and making them into shorter songs. I think doing this has been so helpful in connecting with God and processing several things.

Prayer Requests:

  • Pray so that our students can be successful during finals week
  • Please pray for the economic situation of our students
  • Please pray for this COVID-19 situation so we may think wisely on the situation
Please let me know how I can be praying for you! Thank you so much for your continual prayer and financial support!

I appreciate y'all. We are close to the end of this story. A story within the larger story where Jesus is the Author.

With much love,

