All Stories Have Suspense

This is a picture of the Dallas Team from our Winter Camp intro video

Mark 4:
26 He also said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground.
27 Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how.
28 All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk,
then the head , then the full kernel in the head. 29 As soon as the grain is ripe,
he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come.”

We have started the new semester! This month I have seen how God is working in the hearts and
minds. Things are happening and I know that the only one that can do the work is God.

Staff Retreat:

This is a picture from one of our morning sessions. 

The semester literally started on January 1. We went out on staff retreat. We had Brady and Shirley Bobbink from our sister ministry in Bellingham, Washington. It was such a blessing getting to hear from people that have done college ministry for a very long time. I had the opportunity to connect with some of the staff members that I do not usually talk to/spend time with. One of my reflections from the book we read as preparation for retreat is that when I do not have anything to do as a pastor, I pray. My initial reaction when I have a cancellation or free time on campus is to find students to talk to, and I never considered those moments as spontaneous moments of conversation with God. Overall, retreat was an amazing experience.

Winter Camp:

Winter Camp is one of my favorite events of the year! All the campuses combine at Sky Ranch for a weekend of spiritual development and fellowship. Leading up to camp, God provided through generous donors so our students could benefit from a discounted camp price. The price went from $160 to $45 for our students. Then, we had someone offer to drive students in a passenger van to, and from camp. At camp, our students were engaged and made new friends. We spoke about the Psalms. Also, I had the opportunity to get a group together to sing as a choir for the last song of camp. That was such a blessing. I got to use a set of musical abilities I do not usually get to use in the FOCUS community. My cofa Dayo was my personal photographer (this is a joke), and he documented the experience. I got to see students do different things though I was not with them. 
This was our group!

Richland Men

My brother attended half of camp! He is a Richland student this semester.

This was from one of our free times.
This is from one of our night sessions.

This is our choir comprised of students and staff from different campuses.
My Richland men are hiding in the back! My brother played keys!

Spring Semester:

God has been faithful. We started core and TNT up again. God has been bringing new people into our ministry. I have seen how camp has pushed our students to grow in their faith and I have seen how students want to be involved and engaged. I study FOJ with Simon and it was so sweet to see him share about how he got involved in FOCUS during the Investing in the Vision talk at TNT. I am beyond blessed to spend time with him. He pushes me to laugh and see the beauty in Jesus and the world around me. Our student leaders are also hitting the semester strong. Dayo is helping with outreach during our Campus Connect times and he is working hard on making sure the guys in the ministry are connected and know that they’re loved. 
This is Simon sharing for Investing in the Vision

This is Dayo sharing about outreach and his experience.

We have our work cut out for us. The Lord is doing things. I am amazed at how I get to see him move and do beautiful things. I am flawed and imperfect, but He is so merciful and gracious and invites me to look to Him for encouragement and strength. Though I cannot see what is happening underneath the hearts of students, seeds are being planted and seeds are growing. I encourage you to see what seeds Jesus is growing in the people around you.

As we continue, I ask that you would pray for our students and student leaders. We are in the process of thinking through who to send to SICM, a conference to learn how to do campus ministry in Bellingham, Washington. We are looking to see what students will help lead the ministry next school year.

As always, thank you so much for your support.

I love y’all,

